Pronouns After As And Than | Grammar Worksheet

After as and than, we normally use an object pronoun (e.g. him, her, me, them etc.). Subject pronouns are also used in a formal style. Note that when a subject pronoun is used, it is normally followed by a verb.


  • She is as tall as him. (Less formal)
  • She is as tall as he is. (More formal) (BUT NOT She is as tall as he.)

Subject pronouns are unusual without a following noun.

  • I am taller than him. (Less formal)
  • I am taller than he is. (More formal)

Pronouns Worksheet For Class 7

Complete the following sentences using appropriate pronouns.

1. You sing as well as …………………………… (her / she)

2. She runs as fast as ……………………………… does. (he / him)

3. I work as hard as ………………………………… (him / he)

4. She is as old as …………………………………… is. (he / him)

5. You are as efficient as …………………………………… (them / they)

6. We are richer than ………………………………… (they / them)


1. You sing as well as her. OR You sing as well as she does.

2. She runs as fast as he does. OR she runs as fast as him.

3. I work as hard as him. OR I work as hard as he does.

4. She is as old as he is. OR She is as old as him.

5. You are as efficient as them. OR You are as efficient as they are.

6. We are richer than them.

Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I am Manjusha. This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets.

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