Tagged: adverbs

Adverbs Worksheet For Class 4

Underline the adverbs in the following sentences and state their kind. She walked slowly. I went upstairs. Somebody is waiting outside. I shall leave now. What did you do then? I call my mother...

Adverbs Of Place

Adverbs of Place tell us where something happens. Examples are: upstairs, here, there, nearby, everywhere, in, out etc. She looked for him everywhere. Please come in. They bought a house nearby. He lives here. The boss has gone out. He was...

Adverbs Of Manner

Adverbs of manner say how something happens or is done. Examples are: happily, angrily, slowly, carefully, fast etc. She walked slowly. John drove carefully. The soldiers fought bravely. Position Adverbs of manner normally go in end position (at the end of...

Adverbs Of Indefinite Frequency

Adverbs of indefinite frequency tell us how often something happens. Common examples are: always, ever, usually, normally, often, frequently, seldom, never etc. I am never late for office. Have you ever been to the US? I often work late. Position Adverbs of indefinite frequency...

How To Identify Adverbs

Adverbs are words used to modify verbs. They can also modify adjectives and other adverbs. See also: How to identify adverbs Kinds of adverbs worksheet for class 7 Underline the adverbs in the following...

Focus Adverbs

Focusing adverbs point to a particular part of a clause. Most common examples are: also, just, even, only, mainly, mostly, either, neither etc. Position As focusing adverbs point to a particular part of a sentence,...

Adverbs Of Degree

Adverbs of Degree tell us about the degree or extent of an action, quality or manner. Examples are: almost, little, enough, much, too, partly, fully, so, rather, quite, nearly, just, too, hardly, scarcely, very etc. She is very beautiful. I am extremely sorry. She is quite strong....

Adverbs Of Certainty

Adverbs of certainty express how certain or sure we feel about an action or event. Common examples are: certainly, definitely, probably, undoubtedly, clearly, obviously etc. She will definitely come. He was clearly the winner. She...

Position Of Adverbs Worksheet

Adverbs are words used to modify verbs. Adverbs can go in different places in a sentence. See also: Position of adverbs Position of adverbs worksheet Rewrite the following sentences by inserting the adverb given...