Tagged: confusing words

Words Confused Owing To Similar Sound

Some words are confused because they are pronounced alike. In this lesson we will learn about those words which cause confusion because they produce similar sound. Allowed (Verb): let somebody do something Aloud (adverb):...

Words Causing Confusion

English has plenty of confusing words. Correct use of some of the most common among them are given below. Compliment (noun) – expression of approval, admiration etc. Complement (noun) – that which makes something...

Confusing words worksheet

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate word or phrase. 1. I must be …………….. weight. (losing / loosing) 2. My clothes have become ……………….. (lose / loose) 3. What’s your ……………… reason for...

Censor and censure | Words confused

These words are often confused. To censure is to reprimand, rebuke, admonish or criticize. The minister censured the reporters for publicizing the scandal. The teacher censured the student for missing his deadlines. Father censured...

Hurdle and hurtle

These words are often confused. A hurdle is an obstacle or barrier. The racer couldn’t clear the last hurdle. Hurdle can also be a verb. To hurdle is to jump over a hurdle. Compare:...

Common confusables

In each sentence below, two words are given in the brackets. Of these only one word is appropriate. Fill in the blank using that word. 1. You can trust Manu. He is very ……………….....

Confusing words worksheet

Complete the following sentences. 1. We must follow the ——————- of our parents and teachers. (advise / advice) 2. I am ——————- satisfied with my results. (quite / quiet) 3. You will be ——————–...