Tagged: in

In And Into, On And Onto

We use in and on to talk about the positions of objects – where they are. We use into and onto to talk about directions and destinations – where things are going. She is in the bedroom. (Position) She ran into the room. (Direction) She was...

In As A Preposition

In is used for position inside large areas, and in three-dimensional space. She grew up in Switzerland. He is in the office. Let us go for a walk in the woods. My father lives in Canada. I first met her in a shop. He works in an...

During vs. In vs. For

During means from the beginning to the end of a particular period of time. It rained during the night. There was not even a whisper during the whole service. During can also be used...

At vs. In

In is used for position inside large places – countries, districts, large cities etc, and in three-dimensional space (when something is surrounded on all sides.). At is generally used for small and unimportant places...