Tagged: plurals

Formation Of Plural Nouns

An English noun exhibits a two-way distinction of number: a singular form, denoting one of something, and a plural form, denoting two or more. Here are the guidelines for creating plural nouns. Add -s to form...

Nouns That Take Plural Verbs

Some nouns are always followed by a plural verb. Examples are: tongs, scissors, shears, trousers, pajamas, tweezers, jeans, pants, scales, glasses and binoculars. The trousers are hanging in the cupboard. (NOT The trouser is hanging in the...

Irregular Plurals

Some nouns change their spelling when they become plural. Child: children Foot: feet Goose: geese Louse: lice Man: men Mouse: mice Ox: oxen Tooth: teeth Woman: women Some nouns have the same form whether...