Tagged: though

Joining Two Sentences With Though And Although

Synthesis is the process of combining two sentences into one. We can combine two sentences using the conjunctions though and although. Both these words have the same meaning; however, though is more common than although in an informal style. Though means in spite...

Words Expressing Concession And Contrast

Concession or contrast may be expressed in several ways. For example, we can use though or although. Other words or expressions that can be used to express concession or contrast include notwithstanding, as, however, whatever, all the same,...

However, Still, Yet, Though

We can express the same idea in several different ways. By learning some of these techniques, you can improve your writing skills significantly. Read the following sentence. Despite his illness, he agreed to be...

Although vs. Though | Class 10 English Grammar

There is little difference between although and though. They are both subordinating conjunctions used to join two clauses together. Though is more common in informal speech and writing. Though I wasn’t feeling well, I...