Adjectives Used without Nouns

Adjectives are words used to describe nouns. They give us additional information about the noun modified by them. We do not normally use adjectives without nouns.

However, we can write She is kind. In this case, the adjective acts as a subject complement.

Sometimes, however, adjectives are used with the article the to refer to well-known groups of people. In this case, the noun is not used. Examples of such expressions are: the blind, the illiterate, the educated, the poor, the unemployed, the rich etc.

The poor means all poor people. Likewise, the unemployed means all unemployed people.

Note that expressions like the blind and the poor are always used with a plural verb.

Sometimes, however, these expressions can have a singular meaning as well. For example, the accused can be singular or plural. When we are talking about just person, use the singular verb.

Sections in this article


Adjectives placed before nouns

Adjectives placed after verbs

Adjectives without Nouns

Adjectives: order before nouns

Kinds of Adjectives

Adjectives with and

Complements of adjectives

See also

Adjective clauses

Relative clauses

Relative pronouns

Identifying relative clauses

Omission of relative pronouns

Conjunctions worksheet for grade 6

Not only / but also grammar exercise

And, but, or, so, because

Kinds of adjectives worksheet

CBSE Class 10 Grammar worksheets

Kinds of phrases worksheet for class 8

Phrases and clauses worksheet for class 8

Punctuation worksheet for classes 5 and 6


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