Conjunctions Worksheet For Grade 6

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Complete the following sentences using appropriate conjunctions. Choose your answers from the options given below.

{as, because, so, and, but, though, if, although, when, before, until, unless}


The same conjunction can be used in more than one sentence.

1. ------------------- he was not ready, we went without him.

2. He asked me ------------------ I had seen his keys.

3. I was angry -------------------- I had lost my way.

4. Please wait here ----------------- the manager arrives.

5. He put on his coat ------------------- went out.

6. I called him many times, -------------------- he did not answer my calls.

7. ------------------ you mend your ways, you will land in big trouble.

8. ------------------- she was angry, she said nothing.

9. He had gone ---------------------- I arrived.

10. ----------------- they arrived, I was working in the garage.

11. He was tired --------------------- he took some rest.

12. -------------------- he works hard, he does not earn enough to make a living.


1. As he was not ready, we went without him.

2. He asked me if I had seen his keys.

3. I was angry because I had lost my way.

4. Please wait here until the manager arrives.

5. He put on his coat and went out.

6. I called him many times, but he did not answer my calls.

7. Unless you mend your ways, you will land in big trouble.

8. Though / Although she was angry, she said nothing.

9. He had gone before I arrived.

10. When they arrived, I was working in the garage.

11. He was tired so he took some rest.

12. Though / although he works hard, he does not earn enough to make a living.

Sections in this article

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