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Conjunctions are words that join other words or clauses together.

Conjunctions not only join clauses together; they also show how the meanings of the two clauses are related.

A conjunction and its clause can sometimes stand alone. This happens, for example, in answers.

Afterthoughts may also begin with conjunctions.

Writers and speakers may also separate clauses for emphasis.

Phrase conjunctions

Some conjunctions are made up of two or more words.

Relative pronouns as conjunctions

Relative pronouns (who, which and that) join clauses like conjunctions.

In the above sentence who stands for the beggar - hence it is a pronoun. It also connects the two sentences I saw a beggar and He was deaf and dumb - hence it is a conjunction.

A relative pronoun is the subject or object of the verb that comes after it. So we do not need another subject or object.

Sections in this article

Using coordinating conjunctions
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The conjunction nor
The conjunction yet
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