Countable and Uncountable Nouns Worksheet for Grade 10

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Countable nouns are the names of people, objects and ideas that we can count. Uncountable nouns are the names of liquids, materials and abstract ideas that cannot be counted.

This grammar worksheet tests your ability to use countable and uncountable nouns correctly.

1. How ----------------- do you earn in a month?

a) much money b) many money

2. How --------------------- do you work?

a) much hours b) many hours

3. I am looking for --------------------

a) an accommodation b) a place to live

4. It is not easy to find ------------------- in Mumbai.

a) accommodation b) an accommodation

5. He gave me --------------------

a) an advice b) a piece of advice c) advise

6. I have received an --------------------

a) interesting information b) interesting piece of information

7. The building was struck by a -------------------

a) lightning b) flash of lightning

8. She told him to find -------------------

a) a work b) work b) a job

9. You have too --------------------

a) much luggage b) many luggages

10. Please do not throw ----------------- around.

a) rubbish b) rubbishes


1. How much money do you earn in a month?

2. How many hours do you work?

3. I am looking for a place to live.

4. It is not easy to find accommodation in Mumbai.

5. He gave me a piece of advice.

6. I have received an interesting piece of information.

7. The building was struck by a flash of lightning.

8. She told him to find work / a job.

9. You have too much luggage.

10. Please do not throw rubbish around.

Sections in this article

Countable and uncountable nouns
Common uncountable nouns
Countable and uncountable nouns exercise

Tenses exercises and worksheets

Mistakes with verbs | Exercise 1
Mistakes with verbs | Exercise 2
Mistakes with verbs | Exercise 3
Mistakes with verbs | Exercise 4

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