Grammar And Vocabulary Worksheet For Class 10 CBSE

Test your grammar and vocabulary skills with this exercise. Write your answers on a piece of paper and check them with the answers given at the end of this page.

1. The first ...................... of the project has been completed.

2. You must be prepared to put up ....................... any difficulty.

3. A stich in time saves ......................

4. If you want to save money, you must ....................... your expenditure.

5. We had a meeting yesterday. Change into negative.

6. For many years, the continent of Africa remained ....................... and .......................

7. Dense forests, savage wild animals and hostile tribals made the interior parts of Africa ....................... to people from the ....................... world.

8. Many people ....................... tried to explore the land could not survive.

9. David Livingstone not only explored parts of Africa but also lived and worked among the tribal people bringing them closer ....................... social milieu.

10. Many people who tried to explore Africa were only interested in ...................... its rich natural ....................


1. Phase

2. With

3. Nine

4. Cut down on

5. We didn't have a meeting yesterday.

6. Unexplored, unknown

7. Inaccessible, civilized

8. Who

9. To

10. Exploiting, resources

Sections in this article

The simple present tense
The present progressive tense
The present perfect tense
The present perfect progressive tense
Present tenses to talk about the future
The simple past tense
The past progressive tense
The past perfect tense
The past perfect progressive tense
Past verb forms with present or future meaning
The simple future tense
The future progressive tense
The future perfect tense

See Also

Exclamations exercise
Exclamations: common errors
Common mistakes with pronouns - Part 2
Common errors with adjectives - part 1
Common errors with adjectives - part 2

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