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Present continuous tense worksheet

The present continuous tense is made with is / am / are + -ing form of the verb.

Use is when the subject is a singular noun (e.g. James, the boy, a cat) or pronoun (he, she and it).

Use are when the subject is a plural noun (e.g. the boys, children, books) or pronoun (you, we and they)

Use am when the subject is I.

Write sentences in the present continuous tense using the words given in each question.

1. Alan / sing / a song.

2. Alice / go / to school.

3. Granny / come / tomorrow.

4. Peter / play / the piano.

5. James / learn / his lessons.

6. The kettle / boil.

7. I / read / a story.

8. We / wait / for the bus.

9. Who / stand / at the gate?

10. The kids / watch / television.


1. Alan is singing a song.

2. Alice is going to school.

3. Granny is coming tomorrow.

4. Peter is playing the piano.

5. James is learning his lessons.

6. The kettle is boiling.

7. I am reading a story.

8. We are waiting for the bus.

9. Who is standing at the gate?

10. The kids are watching television.

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