Cover Letter Sample 3

Here is a sample cover letter that you can use as an outline for drafting your own cover letters.

Cover letter sample 3

Street name
City, State, Zip code
Phone: Email:

June 01, 2012

Name of the recipient
Designation of the recipient
Name of the company
City, State, Zip code


Dear Recipient name:

I am responding to your New York Times ad for an insurance agent because it is just the kind of position I have been looking for: It gives me an opportunity to interact with people which I absolutely love. It also allows me to work flexible hours.

In today’s troubled economic times, insurance agents have a very significant role to play. I believe that a good insurance agent should be able to make an honest assessment of a client’s financial situation and advise them on the right amount of insurance coverage they require. And that is exactly what I can do. As someone with a wide circle of friends I have always had people asking me to advise them on a variety of matters including financial. In fact, that is how I became interested in pursuing a career in personal finance management.

My resume, which is enclosed, gives a detailed account of my educational qualifications and work experience. Although I have been out of the workforce since the birth of my son, I have hardly been idle. As a wife, a mother, president of the PTA and a volunteer with an NGO, I have interacted with a wide variety of people and I am quite confident that I have what it takes to be a successful insurance agent. So if you’re looking for a hard worker and quick learner to promote your business, you’ve found one.

I hope you’ll give me call at (255) 555-0181 so that we can further discuss the requirements of this position. Thank you for your time.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Your name

More cover letter samples


Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I am Manjusha. This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets.

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