Learn English Blog

Has or Have Worksheet For Classes 3 And 4

Complete the following sentences using has or have. Use has with singular subjects and have with plural subjects. A singular subject refers to one person or thing whereas a plural subject refers to more than one person...

Prepositions Exercise For Classes 9 And 10

Complete the following sentences using appropriate prepositions. Smoking is injurious ………………………. health. Our health depends …………………………… our eating and living habits. He is still dependent ………………………………. his parents. Be grateful for all the blessings...

Conjunctions Worksheet For Grade 6

Complete the following sentences using appropriate conjunctions. Choose your answers from the options given below. {as, because, so, and, but, though, if, although, when, before, until, unless} Notes The same conjunction can be used...

And, But, Or, Because, So | Grammar Worksheet

Complete the following sentences using and, or, but, because or so. You can pursue higher education …………………………. find a job. He is both hard working ……………………….. intelligent. I desperately wanted a job …………………………. I...

Kinds Of Adjectives Worksheet | B1-B2 Grammar

These grammar worksheets and lessons help English learners at intermediate (B1) and upper intermediate (B2) levels. Adjectives are words used to modify nouns. Adjectives say something about a noun. There are different kinds of...

Kinds of Sentences Worksheet For Class 5

There are mainly four kinds of sentences in English: Assertive (or declarative), interrogative, imperative and exclamatory. A declarative and an imperative sentence always end with a full stop. An exclamatory sentence has an exclamation mark at...

Prepositions Worksheet For CBSE Class 5

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate preposition. She took something …………………………. the box. (in / from / with) Put the books ………………………. the table. (in / on / at) I met him …………………………....

Future Tense Worksheet

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate verb form indicating the future. I …………………………. my parents next week. (visit) She …………………………. tomorrow. (arrive) If you are hungry I ………………………… (give) you something to eat....