Learn English Blog

Passive Voice Worksheet For Class 10

A sentence has been given in active / passive voice. Out of the four suggested alternatives, select the one which best expresses the same idea in passive / active voice. Question 1 Our task...

Passive Verb Forms

Simple Present Active verb form: write/writes He writes a letter. I write letters. Passive verb form: is/am/are + written A letter is written by him. Letters are written by me. Present Progressive Active verb form: is/am/are + writing He is writing a letter. I am writing letters. Passive verb...

Parts Of Speech

Words of a language are divided into several classes on the basis of their grammatical behaviour. These different word classes or lexical categories are called the parts of speech. English has eight parts of...

What Are Participles?

A participle is a non-finite verb. It is partly a verb and partly an adjective. There are two types of participles – the present participle and the past participle. The present participle is the...

Participle Phrases

When participles combine with other words, we get participle phrases. Underline the participle phrases in the following sentences. Standing at the gate, he was bitten by a snake. Running fast, he overtook his opponents....

Common Errors In The Use Of Participles

Study the examples given below. I was feeling bored. I decided to watch a movie. We can combine these two sentences using a present participle. We can write: Feeling bored, I decided to watch...

Parallel Structures

Parallel construction Your writing will be clearer if you use parallel construction. By parallel construction, we mean words or expressions of similar form. Consider the sentence given below. Alice likes sewing, painting and to...