Learn English Blog

Infinitives Without To

We generally use the marker -to with infinitives. However, in some cases, the infinitive is used without the marker to. When the infinitive is used without to, it is called a bare infinitive. Fill...

Verbs That Can Be Followed By Infinitives

Some verbs are followed by infinitives of other verbs. Some are followed by ing forms. There are also some verbs that can be followed by either an ing form or an infinitive. Fill in...

Adjectives That Can Be Followed By Infinitives

Some adjectives are followed by infinitives whereas some are followed by ing forms. Some adjectives can be followed by either an infinitive or an ing form. Fill in the blanks with an infinitive or...


The infinitive is the base form of the verb. It is usually used with the marker -to. Examples are: (to) work and (to) leave. He said that he wanted to leave. I won’t allow...

In Order To vs. So As To

We often use an infinitive to talk about a person’s purpose. He rose to speak. She came to the city to look for work. He sat down to rest. We can also use in order to or so as to. She came to...

Indirect Speech Worksheet For Class 10

If you want to learn about direct and indirect speech before doing this exercise, go to this direct and indirect speech study page. Change the following sentences into indirect speech. Four options are given...

Indirect Questions

The indirect question is really not a question at all. In a direct question, we put the auxiliary verb before the subject. If there is no auxiliary verb, we put do before the subject. Read the following sentences. They...

Indefinite Article

The article a and an do not refer to any particular person or thing. Hence, they are called indefinite articles. We use them with singular countable nouns. She is a doctor. I am a...

Adverbs Of Indefinite Frequency

Adverbs of indefinite frequency tell us how often something happens. Common examples are: always, ever, usually, normally, often, frequently, seldom, never etc. Answers If she is wrong, she will never hesitate to say sorry. He is always on...