Learn English Blog

General Grammar Exercise for Class 9 CBSE

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word or phrase. Scientists ……….1…………… that the rise in global temperatures that …………2………… detected over the past two decades cannot be blamed ………3……….. the sun. The researchers...

Integrated Grammar Exercise for CBSE Class 10

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate word or phrase. A panel of scientists …………1……………. by America’s leading scientific advisory group says the hunt ……….2………… extraterrestrial life should be greatly expanded to include ………….3…………....

Few And Several | Differences

The words few and several are determiners. They both refer to a small quantity or number. There is a difference. Few is pessimistic. It is used to stress the smallness of the quantity or...

English Vocabulary Exercise

You need a good understanding of word forms to be able to write English well. Here is an exercise that tests your range of English vocabulary. English vocabulary worksheet Fill in the blanks with...

A Half, Half A And Half An

All of these expressions are completely acceptable. Could I have half a pound of butter? / Could I have a half pound of butter? I waited for half an hour. The dog eats a...