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Prepositions worksheet for class 10 CBSE

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate preposition. 1. As a girl she learned the graces required ………………… a good hostess. 2. These pearls are ………………… the highest grade. 3. My sister graduates ………………....

Prepositions worksheet for class 9

Complete the following sentences using appropriate prepositions. 1. The sparks …………………. the fireplace charred the carpet. 2. We sailed ………………….. the English Channel. 3. Sunny days are characteristic ………………. May. 4. Each individual should...

Head and mind idioms

Here are some idiomatic expressions involving the word head, brains or mind. Be able to do something standing on your head When you are able to do something standing on your head, you are...

Hair idioms

Here are some idiomatic expressions involving the word hair. Bad hair day When your hair is unmanageable, it is quite natural to have a bad hair day. Over the years, however, this expression has...