Author: Manjusha

Request Letter Sample

So, you want to ask for an interview, a promotion or a raise. Or maybe you need some information. You have to write a request letter in all of these scenarios. Here is a...

Ending A Business Relationship Sample Letter

A letter terminating a business relationship should be clear, concise and polite. As far as possible, start the letter by mentioning a few things you enjoyed about the relationship and then go on to...

Nouns Worksheet For Grade 6

Underline the nouns in the following sentences. How to identify nouns 1. Nouns can be used with the articles a/an or the. 2. Nouns have plural forms. There are exceptions to this rule and uncountable nouns do...

Sentence Completion Exercise

Fill in the blanks with the option that has the most appropriate set of words. Reliance is the largest corporation in India and is still ……………….. at a pace that makes the old money...