Author: Manjusha Nambiar

Confusing words worksheet 3

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate word or phrase. 1. The new accountant is not very ………………… He works very slowly and he keeps forgetting things. (effective / efficient) 2. These tablets are...

Non-finite verbs worksheet

Identify the non-finite verbs in the following sentences and state their kind (infinitive, present participle, gerund). Learn how to identify finite and non-finite verbs by watching this video. You can watch this finite and...

Confusing words worksheet

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate word or phrase. 1. I must be …………….. weight. (losing / loosing) 2. My clothes have become ……………….. (lose / loose) 3. What’s your ……………… reason for...

Vocabulary worksheet for class 10

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate word. Choose your answers from the options given below. Note that you will have to change the form of some words. (fervent, feud, fictitious, finesse, fishy, flagrant,...