Determiners That Require A Plural Verb
Some determiners are used with plural nouns and require a plural verb. Examples are: some, all, many, both, few, several, most Some people are born great. All children need love. Many people want to...
English Grammar Lessons And Worksheets
Some determiners are used with plural nouns and require a plural verb. Examples are: some, all, many, both, few, several, most Some people are born great. All children need love. Many people want to...
Adjectives are describing words. Examples are: big, small, kind, clever, soft, angry, hungry etc. There are several different kinds of adjectives. Watch our Youtube video about different kinds of adjectives here. This grammar worksheet...
Nouns can be formed from verbs by the addition of a suffix. Verb Noun Verb Noun AcceptApplaudArriveApprobateAppearAbolishAdaptApologizeBatheBlessBindBelieveConcludeCompensateConcentrateCompeteDeclareDecideDepriveDefendDenyEnticeExistFailHeightenImitateInduceAnnounceAdviseAdmitAcquireAssumeAchieveBreatheBrightenChooseConsiderDivideDefyDifferDefineExecuteExaltExplainExpectFlyGrowHealHastenImagineIntroduceIdentifyImproveJudge AcceptanceApplauseArrivalApprobationAppearanceAbolitionAdaptationApologyBathBlessingBondBeliefConclusionCompensationConcentrationCompetenceDeclarationDecisionDeprivationDefenseDenialEnticementExistenceFailureHeightImitationInductionAnnouncementAdviceAdmissionAcquisitionAssumptionAchievementBreathBrightChoiceConsiderationDivisionDefianceDifferenceDefinitionExecutionExaltationExplanationExpectationFlightGrowthHealthHasteImaginationIntroductionIdentificationImprovementJudgment KnowLaughModifyOpineObeyPursueProclaimProposePrescribeProsperProduceQualifyInspireIrritateIncreaseJustifyLiveMotivateOffendProvePossessPersecutePretendPenalizePleasePerceivePopulatePractiseRealizeRefuseRecognizeReviveResembleResolveReserveRepeatReferReconcileRemoveResentSeeSingSubscribeSpeakSufferSuspectStarveSucceedStrengthenSignifySummariseTellTerrifyTryUnderstand KnowledgeLaughterModificationOpinionObediencePursuitProclamationPropositionPrescriptionProsperityProductionQualificationInspirationIrritationIncrease / incrementJustificationLifeMotivationOffenseProofPossessionProsecutionPretensionPenaltyPleasurePerceptionPopulationPracticeRealizationRefusalRecognitionRevivalResemblanceResolutionReservationRepetitionReferenceReconciliationRemovalResentmentSightSongSubscriptionSpeechSufferingSuspicionStarvationSuccess / successionStrengthSignificanceSummaryTaleTerrorTrialUnderstanding List of Nouns formed from Verbs
Here is a list of common collective nouns. A quiver of arrows A range of mountains A group of dancers A swarm of bees A stud of horses A string of horses A bevy...
List of singular and plural nouns 1. calf – calves 2. luxury – luxuries 3. quality – qualities 4. life – lives 5. tragedy – tragedies 6. marriage – marriages 7. voice – voices...
There is one thing common in colleges or universities for every single student, and that is the submission of academic assignments. Essay writing is an essential part of academics. No matter which course or...
Underline the nouns in the following sentences. Nouns are the names of people, things, rivers, countries, objects, books, ideas and emotions. Examples are: Raju, Reema, apple, table, Nile, India, France, stone, pencil, happiness, truth,...
Same word used as different part of speech worksheet for class 7 Using the words given below as nouns and verbs, write meaningful sentences. Place (noun) It was a beautiful place. Place (verb) I...
Homonyms are words that sound alike but have different meanings. Sometimes they have the same spelling but meanings are different. Fill in the blanks. 1. To ……………………. to their subscriber base, they have launched...
Write the part of speech of the underlined word. 1. I don’t know what happened to them. 2. The girl was overjoyed to hear the news. 3. The child enjoys playing with his puppies....