Author: Manjusha

Tenses worksheet for class 9

Fill in the blanks with appropriate tense forms. Giant pandas ……………… (live) in the mountain ranges of central China. They once ……………… (live) in lowland areas, but forest clearing and farming now ……………. (restrict)...

Determiners worksheet for class 10

Complete the following sentences using one of the following determiners. [a few, a little, a lot, a lot of, the majority of, enough, many, plenty, much of, several of, some] 1. There is not...

Conjunctions worksheet for class 6

Join the following sentences using an appropriate conjunction. 1. He tried his best. He could not solve the puzzle. 2. She had a headache. She enjoyed the movie. 3. I was not feeling well....

Conjunctions worksheet for class 5

Join the following sentences using appropriate conjunctions. 1. He swung the bat. The ball hit the boundary. 2. You should work harder. You will fail the test. 3. Ajay is a good bowler. He...

Some, any, little, few | Grammar exercise for class 6

Complete the following sentences using appropriate adjectives. 1. I have bought ……………… strawberries. (some / any) 2. Have you bought ………………… strawberries? (some / any) 3. I haven’t bought ………………… strawberries. (some / any)...

Degrees of comparison worksheet for class 6

Complete the following sentences using appropriate comparative or superlative forms. 1. Is your grandmother any ………………. today? (good) 2. In India May is …………………… than any other month. (hot) 3. Manu is ………………….. than...

Commonly confused adjectives worksheet for class 6

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate adjective. 1. I prefer the …………………. proposition to the former. (later / latter) 2. She is the …………………. of the two sisters. (older / elder) 3. He...