Author: Manjusha

Types of conjunctions exercise

Underline the conjunctions in the following sentences and state whether they are coordinating conjunctions or subordinating conjunctions. 1. Alice decided to get some rest because she was tired. 2. Unless he mends his ways,...

Conjunctions exercise for class 8

Complete the following sentences using appropriate conjunctions. 1. God made the country ………………… man made the town. 2. She must cry, ………………….. she will die. 3. He is poor …………………….. he is honest. 4....

Tenses exercise for class 10

Complete the following sentences using appropriate verb forms. 1. There ———————— an explosion near the castle. a) has been b) was c) had been 2. There ———————– an explosion near the castle yesterday. a)...

Vocabulary exercise

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate form of the word given in the brackets. 1. His proposal was not ——————– to us. (accept) 2. She is a ——————– old lady. (dignity) 3. The...

Parts of speech worksheet for class 6 CBSE

1. Alas! We have lost.   —————————— 2. The lion is in the cage. —————————— 3. We are waiting for them. —————————— 4. Raju is my best friend. —————————— 5. He could not attend...

Conjunctions worksheet for class 7

Complete the following sentences using appropriate conjunctions or relative pronouns. 1. He gets up early in the morning …………………. goes for a walk. 2. We will resume our journey …………………… the sun rises. 3....

Tenses worksheet for class 9

Complete the following sentences using appropriate verb forms. 1. When we …………………….. (reach) the hall, the program ………………… (already finish). 2. My brother ……………………… (leave) for Kolkata tomorrow. 3. The meeting ………………….. (start) after...

Tenses exercise

Complete the following sentences using appropriate verb forms. 1. Ever since I ………………….. (leave) my home town, I ……………………… (live) in Chennai. 2. When we …………………. (reach) their place, they ………………………. (already leave). 3....

Tenses worksheet for class 10

Complete the following sentences using appropriate verb forms. 1. I ………………. (meet) your father yesterday. 2. His father …………………… (die) last week. 3. It ……………………… (rain) when we went out. 4. A bad worker...

Tenses exercise for class 10

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate verb form. 1. The wood cutter ———————- trees since morning. (fell) 2. I don’t know where he ——————— (live). 3. Look before you ——————– (leap) 4. ———————-...