Author: Manjusha

Word forms exercise

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate form of the words given in the brackets. 1. Everybody appreciated the …………………………. of his idea. (original) 2. Booker was ……………………….. of the boy from Ohio who...

Express regret using wish

We often use wish to express regret that things are not different. In this case, wish is followed by a that-clause. Note that ‘that’ is often dropped in an informal style. When we use...

Question tags worksheet

Add appropriate question tags to the following sentences. 1. You are coming with us, ………………………? 2. Supriya can play the piano, ……………………? 3. You don’t know the answer, ……………………? 4. We can’t depend on...

English vocabulary exercise

Complete the given sentences using an appropriate word or phrase. 1. As his blindness was —————-, doctors said that it cannot be cured. a) congenial b) conjunctive c) congenital d) none of these 2....

Gerunds worksheet

Complete the following sentences using the gerund form of the verb given in the brackets. 1. I prefer _______________ (walk) to riding. 2. She enjoys _________________ (write) 3. I am used to ________________ (work)...

Negatives worksheet

Change the following affirmative sentences into negative sentences. It is easy to make the negative form if the affirmative sentence contains an auxiliary verb –  you only have to put ‘not’ after the auxiliary...

Prepositions exercise for CBSE Class 10

Complete the following sentences using appropriate prepositions. 1. They were deaf …………………… my cries. a) at b) to c) with d) on 2. Physical activity is beneficial …………………….. health. a) with b) for c)...

Prepositions worksheet for Class 10

Complete the following sentences using appropriate prepositions. 1. He deals ………………….. diamonds. a) at b) with c) in d) of 2. One must not deviate ……………………. the path of truth and virtue. a) to...