Author: Manjusha

Vocabulary exercise

Match words to their definitions. Choose answers from the options given below. Ego Altercation Egocentric Altruism To alter Alternate Alter ego       1. A person who is excessively fixated on his own...

Common mistakes with conjunctions

In this article, we will take a look at some common mistakes in the use of conjunctions. Incorrect: Although she was tired, but she went to work. Correct: Although she was tired, she went...

Adverb clause worksheet

Underline the adverb clauses in the following sentences. 1. He went out before I could say anything. 2. Forgive us as we forgive our enemies. 3. The soldiers fought so bravely that the enemy...

Conjunctions exercise

Correct the following sentences. 1.    She was upset, because didn’t know what to do. 2.    Although she was tired, but she went to work. 3.    Because I liked him, so I tried to help...