Category: Class 5 worksheets

Talking about oneself

This worksheet is taken from CBSE Class 5 English textbook. Answer these questions about yourself. (i) What is your name? Answer: My name is Nivedita. (ii) What languages do you speak? Answer: I speak...

Do and does worksheet

Complete the following sentences using ‘do’ or ‘does’. Hint Use ‘do’ when the subject is a plural noun (dogs, teachers, animals or plants) or a plural pronoun (you, we, they). Use ‘do’ when the...

Was or were worksheet

Complete the following sentences using was or were. Hints Use ‘was’ when the subject is a singular pronoun (he, she, it, I) or a singular noun (Raju, Radha, child, book etc.) Use ‘were’ when...

Articles exercise for class 5

Complete the following sentences using appropriate articles. 1. Twelve inches make ………… foot. 2. Not …………. word was spoken. 3. ………….. bird in hand is worth two in the bush. 4. One evening …………....