Category: Class 9 worksheets

Modals Worksheet for Class 9

The words will, would, can, could, shall, should, may, might, must, ought, need and dare are called modal auxiliary verbs. They express ideas such as ability, inability, willingness, obligation, probability etc. Modals are used...

Articles Exercise for Class 9

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate article. You can learn more about articles here. 1. I am thinking of buying ………………….. car. 2. I bought ……………………. used car last month. 3. …………………….. used...

Articles Worksheet for Class 9

The words a, an and the are called articles. They go before nouns. A singular countable noun is always used with an article or another determiner. Plural and uncountable nouns are used without articles...

Tenses Worksheet for Class 9

Fill in the blanks using an appropriate tense form. Answers 1. What’s Raju’s sister like? I don’t know. I have never met her. 2. Is everything going well? Yes, we have not had any...