Category: CBSE Grammar Worksheets

Pronouns worksheet for class 6

Complete the following sentences using appropriate pronouns. 1. If you have paid for this laptop it is ……………… (your / yours) 2. He is not a German citizen but ……………. wife is. (his /...

Determiners worksheet for class 6

Complete the following sentences using appropriate determiners. 1. I want to be …………. good doctor when I grow up. (a / the) 2. If you know the answer, raise …………… hand. (your / yours)...

Determiners exercise for class 9

Complete the following sentences with suitable words. 1. We have only ………………. minutes to spare. (few / a few) 2. He is famous for being ……………. rich. (very / much) 3. There weren’t ………………...

Sentence completion worksheet for class 10

Complete the following sentences. Communication is what the internet is best ……… (at / with) and the main reason that it ……………. (use) by millions of people. Email is still the …………. (more/most) popular...

Articles exercise for class 5

Complete the following sentences using appropriate articles. 1. Twelve inches make ………… foot. 2. Not …………. word was spoken. 3. ………….. bird in hand is worth two in the bush. 4. One evening …………....

Pronouns worksheet for class 6

Complete the following sentences using appropriate pronouns. 1. That book is ………………… (mine / my) 2. That is ……………….. cat. (my / mine) 3. That idea of …………….. was excellent. (your / yours) 4....