Category: CBSE Grammar Worksheets

Present perfect tense worksheet for CBSE class 5

Complete the following sentences using appropriate present perfect tense forms. 1. I ———————— (finish) the job. 2. She ———————– (completed) her studies. 3. You ———————– never (buy) me anything. 4. I ———————– never (visit)...

Present continuous tense worksheet for CBSE class 5

Complete the following sentences using appropriate present continuous tense forms. 1. The boys ————————– (play) in the garden. 2. The girls —————————– (learn) their lessons. 3. I —————————- (cook) dinner. 4. Dad ———————— (read)...

Simple present tense worksheet for CBSE class 5

Complete the following sentences using appropriate simple present tense forms. 1. Ramesh ————————– (work) in a factory. 2. He ————————— (earn) a handsome salary. 3. Supriya ————————– (write) with her left hand. 4. John...

Passive voice worksheet

Sentences are given in the active voice. You have to change them into the passive voice. Notes The active sentences given below are all in the simple present tense. When you change them into...

Prepositions exercise for CBSE Class 10

Complete the following sentences using appropriate prepositions. 1. They were deaf …………………… my cries. a) at b) to c) with d) on 2. Physical activity is beneficial …………………….. health. a) with b) for c)...

Prepositions worksheet for Class 10

Complete the following sentences using appropriate prepositions. 1. He deals ………………….. diamonds. a) at b) with c) in d) of 2. One must not deviate ……………………. the path of truth and virtue. a) to...

Transitive or intransitive verb worksheet

Transitive verbs take an object. Intransitive verbs do not take an object. Read the following sentences and state whether they are used transitively or intransitively. 1. She has written a novel. 2. Mitra teaches...

Make questions

An example is given below. Sushma likes Raju. (Statement) Does Sushma like Raju? (Question) 1. My father works at a bank. 2. His mother wears traditional Indian clothes. 3. They want to leave now....