Category: CBSE Grammar Worksheets

Noun clauses worksheet

A noun clause is a kind of subordinate clause. Noun clauses serve the same purpose as nouns. That means they can be the subject or object of verbs. I expect that I will win...

Short answers with yes and no

Add appropriate short answers to the following questions. An example is given below. ‘Aren’t you coming to the theatre?’ ‘No, I’m not.’ / ‘Yes, I’m.’ Short answers worksheet 1. ‘Is she interested in the...

Subordinating conjunctions exercise

Complete the following sentences using appropriate subordinating conjunctions. 1. I will not forget this favor ……………….. I die. a) till b) since c) as long as 2. I have not seen him ………………… he...

Coordinating conjunctions exercise

Complete the following sentences using a coordinating conjunction. 1. Tom ………………….. John qualified for the finals. a) as well as b) as well c) also 2. God made the country ………………. man made the...

Passive voice worksheet

Change the following sentences into the active form. Note: When the agent (the doer of the action) is not mentioned in the sentence, you may use the pronoun ‘they’ in the active voice. 1....