Category: CBSE Grammar Worksheets

CBSE Class 8 Grammar Worksheets

We have got lots of class 8 grammar worksheets for CBSE / NCERT students. Worksheet 1 Change affirmative sentences to negative sentences. 1. I had a strange experience yesterday. 2. He wants to be...

Subordinate Clauses Worksheet for Class 8

Subordinate clauses are of three types – adjective clause, adverb clause and noun clause. An adjective clause serves the same purpose as an adjective. It goes immediately after a noun and gives additional information...

Articles Exercise for Class 10 CBSE

The words a, an and the are articles. Articles are determiners. They go at the beginning of nouns or noun phrases. Articles: General Rules Always use an article or another determiner with a singular...

Phrasal Verbs Exercise for Class 10 CBSE

Each sentence given below contains an incomplete phrasal verb. Complete the phrasal verb by supplying a suitable preposition or adverb particle. 1. I am yet to get ……………………. the flu I got last week....

Phrase Worksheet for Class 8

A phrase is a group of words that makes some sense. Phrases usually begin with a preposition. They can also begin with other words. A phrase does not have a finite verb. However, it...