Category: CBSE Grammar Worksheets

Articles Exercise for Class 9

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate article. You can learn more about articles here. 1. I am thinking of buying ………………….. car. 2. I bought ……………………. used car last month. 3. …………………….. used...

Articles Worksheet for Class 9

The words a, an and the are called articles. They go before nouns. A singular countable noun is always used with an article or another determiner. Plural and uncountable nouns are used without articles...

Tenses Worksheet for Class 9

Fill in the blanks using an appropriate tense form. Answers 1. What’s Raju’s sister like? I don’t know. I have never met her. 2. Is everything going well? Yes, we have not had any...

Tenses Exercise for Class 9

This tenses exercise is helpful for students preparing for their class 10 English exam conducted by CBSE and various state boards. Tenses exercise for class 9 Fill in the blanks using an appropriate tense...