Class 10 Omission Worksheet
A word is missing in each line. Write that word and the one before and after it in the space provided.
The United Kingdom become the first country in the world …………… ………….. ……………
to allow scientists to create human-animal embryos research …………… ………….. ……………
purposes. The research banned elsewhere including …………… ………….. ……………
the US, Australia Canada. The research involves …………… ………….. ……………
transferring nuclei containing DNA human cells to animal …………… ………….. ……………
eggs have had nearly all their genetic information removed. …………… ………….. ……………
The United Kingdom become the first country in the world kingdom has become
to allow scientists to create human-animal embryos research embryos for research
purposes. The research banned elsewhere including research is banned
the US, Australia Canada. The research involves Australia and Canada
transferring nuclei containing DNA human cells to animal DNA from human
eggs have had nearly all their genetic information removed. eggs that have