Edit the Passage | Grammar Worksheets for Classes 9 and 10

The following passage is not edited. There is an error in each line. In the space provided write the error and the correction.

Shaw took the title for his play Pygmalion from

the ancient Greek legend for the famous sculptor

naming Pygmalion who could find nothing good in women

and, as a result, he was resolved to remain unmarried.

However, one day he was carving an ivory statue of a woman

that was so beautiful and so perfect for he fell in love

with his own creation. So he prayed for Aphrodite

to bring the statue to life. When he reached home, for his

amazement, he found that his wish had fulfilled and

he proceeded to marry the statue, what he called Galatea.


                                                                                                               Error                Correction

Shaw took the title for his play Pygmalion from                                for                   of

the ancient Greek legend for the famous sculptor                            for                   of

naming Pygmalion who could find nothing good in women              naming            named

and, as a result, he was resolved to remain unmarried.                   was resolved   resolved

However, one day he was carving an ivory statue of a woman        was carving     carved

that was so beautiful and so perfect for he fell in love                     for                   that

with his own creation. So he prayed for Aphrodite                            for                   to

to bring the statue to life. When he reached home, for his              for                   to

amazement, he found that his wish had fulfilled and                        had fulfilled     had been fulfilled

he proceeded to marry the statue, what he called Galatea.             what                which

Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I am Manjusha. This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets.

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