Finite And Non-Finite Verbs Exercise For Classes 7 And 8

Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs given in the brackets. You can learn about finite and non-finite verbs here.

1. I ……………………………… the letter yesterday. (forget, post)

2. The doctor ………………………. the patient …………………… a lot of vegetables. (advise, eat)

3. The teacher ……………………… the students ………………………… neatly. (instruct, write)

4. All of us ………………………….. a short break. (want, take)

5. I ……………………….. on a field trip ………………………. some samples. (go, collect)

6. I still ……………………………………….. the President. (remember, meet)

7. I ………………………… there quietly …………………….. the butterflies. (stand, watch)

8. She …………………….. me ………………………… to her. (ask, listen)

9. I ………………………. them ……………………. up the stairs. (see, run)

10. I ……………………….. the whole of yesterday ………………………………..TV. (spend, watch)


1. I forgot to post the letter yesterday.

2. The doctor advised the patient to eat a lot of vegetables.

3. The teacher instructed the students to write neatly.

4. All of us want/wanted to take a short break.

5. I went on a field trip to collect some samples.

6. I still remember meeting the President.

7. I stood there quietly watching the butterflies.

8. She asked me to listen to her.

9. I saw them running/run up the stairs. (The verb see can be followed by an ing form or an infinitive without to.)

10. I spent the whole of yesterday watching TV.


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