Modals Worksheet for Class 9

The words will, would, can, could, shall, should, may, might, must, ought, need and dare are called modal auxiliary verbs. They express ideas such as ability, inability, willingness, obligation, probability etc.

Modals are used before the infinitives of other verbs.

  • I will come.
  • You should wait outside.

Modal verbs have no -s when the subject is a singular noun or pronoun.

  • She may come. (NOT She mays come.)

Questions and negatives are made without do.

  • Can you help me? (NOT Do you can help me.)
  • She will not go. (NOT She do not will go.)

Worksheet 1

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate modal auxiliary verb.

1. This jacket is made of fine fabric. It …………………………. be expensive. (must / can)

2. I rang the doorbell but nobody opened the door. They ………………………. have gone out. (can / must)

3. We went to Switzerland for holiday. It ………………………. have been nice. (can / must)

4. She didn’t reply. She ………………………. have received my email. (must not / cannot)

5. Who …………………….. it be? (can / must) Well, it ……………………….. be the postman. (must not / cannot)

6. I …………………………. find my passport. (cannot / must not) You ……………………….. have misplaced it. (must / can)

7. She didn’t pick up the phone when I called her. She ………………………. have been busy. (can / must)

8. If he hadn’t received medical care in time, he ……………………….. have died. (must / could / can)

9. Somebody is waiting at the gate. It …………………………. be the milkman. He has already been. (must not / cannot)

10. I …………………….. find my umbrella. (can’t / mustn’t) I ……………………… have left it on the bus. (must / can)


1. must, 2. must, 3. must, 4. cannot, 5. cannot, 6. must, 7. must, 8. could, 9. cannot, 10. can’t, must

Worksheet 2

Fill in the blanks using an appropriate modal auxiliary verb.

1. How …………………. a person be so cruel? (can / may / might)

2. If I were you, I ………………….. not wear this short skirt to school. (will / would / may)

3. I don’t think that she ………………… come even if you invite her. (will / would / could)

4. I searched far and wide but I ………………….. not find my cat. (could / would / might)

5. ……………….. we inform her? (Would / Should / Will)

6. …………………. I wait for him? (Need / Will / Ought)

7. He …………………. have won if he had tried harder. (could / should / can)

8. ………………. I talk to the manager? (Can / Will / Shall)

9. When we were younger, we …………………. spend a lot of time playing. (will / would / might)

10. If she arrived now, I ……………………. talk to her. (can / could / should)

11. You ………………….. discuss your problems with your parents. (shall / should / would)

12. Whether you go by car or bus, it ………………… take about the same time. (will / would / could)

13. You ………………….. not say nasty things about others. (must / will / may)

14. The hedges ………………… be pruned from time to time. (should / could / would)

15. She left home in the morning, so she …………………….. be here soon. (would / should / shall)

16. If you are feeling cold, I ………………….. put the heating on. (will / would / may)

17. If you pour oil on water, it ………………… float. (will / would / should)

18. If you waited for an hour, you …………………… meet him. (can /could / would)

19. …………………. we order something to eat? (Shall / May / Would)

20. Let’s go, ………………… we? (Shall / Should / Can)


1. can, 2. would, 3. will, 4. could, 5. Should, 6. Need, 7. could, 8. Can, 9. would, 10. could, 11. should, 12. will, 13. must, 14. should, 15. should, 16. will, 17. will, 18. could, 19. Shall, 20. shall

Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I am Manjusha. This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets.

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