Learn English Blog

On Time vs. In Time

On time means ‘at the planned time’. If you are ‘on time’, you are neither late nor early. The opposite is early or late. The train arrived on time. (It was neither early nor late.) We...

Once | English Usage

Once means ‘on one occasion’. I only went once. Once can also mean ‘at some time in the past’. Once (upon a time) there was a princess. Note that to refer to an indefinite time in the...

Wh-Question Words

The interrogative pronoun what is used to ask about things. The sentences given below should help you learn the correct usage of what. What do you want? I want a glass of water. What...

Interview Preparation Tips

There are certain things which are said in interviews time and time again, which make interviewers cringe. Avoid saying that you are good with people. Most people who really are wouldn’t dream of saying...

Weather Idioms

Here is a list of English idioms that use weather-related words and phrases. A face like thunder When you sport a face like thunder you look very angry. I’m fed up of my boss....