Learn English Blog

Conversational Structures With Let

Let can be used to introduce suggestions and orders. We can use let us to make suggestions to a group that includes the speaker. Note that let is followed by object + infinitive without to. Let us go. (Formal) (Let + object...

Some Useful Spelling Rules

1. When we add the suffix -ful to a word ending in -ll, the second -l is usually dropped. Skill + ful = skilful Will + full = willful 2. Words ending in silent -e drop the -e before a suffix beginning with a vowel...

How To Use Punctuation Marks Correctly?

A guide to punctuation The term punctuation refers to the conventional system of marks used in writing in order to display and clarify the structure of the text. The principal punctuation marks used in...

Precis Writing Tips

The summary or précis of a passage has to be expressed in the fewest and clearest words possible. In a summary you should mention only important points and leave out all unnecessary details. What...

Popular Quotations In English

There are no gains without pains – Adlai Stevenson The soul of a murderer is blind – Albert Camus Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land – Aldo Leopold There is only one corner...

Personal Letter Writing Tips

Letters serve many different purposes. They are broadly classified into two categories: social letters and business letters. Friendly letters and invitation letters are social letters. Business letters include letters of application, official letters and...

Paragraph Writing Tips

The smallest unit of prose composition is the paragraph. A paragraph may be defined as a group of sentences relating to a single topic, or developing a central idea. A paragraph may be long or...

How To Write Numbers In English

The figure zero is usually called nought in British English and zero in American English. When we say numbers one figure at a time, 0 is often called oh (like the letter O). My account number is two four oh one four...