Learn English Blog

Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative Pronouns Demonstrative pronouns are used to point out the persons or things for which they stand. English has just five of them and they are: this, that, these, those and such. This is...

Reflexive And Emphatic Pronouns

Reflexive Pronouns When words like myself, yourself, ourselves, itself etc., are used as the object of a verb, they are called reflexive pronouns. We use reflexive pronouns when the object refers to the same...

Personal Pronouns

A pronoun is a word used instead of a noun. 1) Alice is my friend. She is a good girl. 2) John is a good singer. He has won several prizes. Here the pronoun...

Degrees of Comparison

Read the following sentences. John is a good singer.Peter is a good singer.Tom is a good singer. All three of them are good singers. But do they sing equally well? Probably not. How do...

What Are Adjectives

Read the following sentences. Tokyo is a big city. She is a beautiful girl. We need some rice. This boy studies in my school. It was a wonderful experience. You will probably have noticed...

Changing Questions Into Passive Voice

Questions can be changed into the passive. We will learn about changing questions into the passive in this chapter. Read the following sentences. Did she invite you? (Active Voice) Were you invited by her?...

When To Use The Passive Voice

The active voice is used when the subject is to be made prominent. The passive voice is used when the object is to be made prominent. The passive voice is preferred to the active...

Passive Verb Forms

Study the following table carefully and note how the verb write changes its form when it is changed to the passive.   Tense Active Verb Passive Verb Simple Present write/writes is/am/are written Present continuous is/am/are writing...