Learn English Blog

The Advantages of Being Multilingual

We live in times when we can be quite mobile and move freely around the world. Many of us are born in one country, a study in another, pursue a career in a third,...

How to Teach Students: 6 Tips Parents Need to Know

Whether you’re homeschooling your child or helping it cope with social distancing norms caused by COVID-19, studying at home can be fun and engaging. Not all parents have an academic or teaching background, so...

Integrated Grammar Worksheet For Class 8

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate tense form. 1. She …………………. (make) a living by selling fruits. 2. Our team …………………. (win) the match yesterday. 3. I …………………… (know) James for a long...

Tenses Exercise For Grade 6

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate tense form. 1. The earth ………………….. (go) round the sun. 2. I ………………….. (like) ice-cream. 3. She ………………….. (work) at a school. 4. I …………………… (get) up...

Noun Clauses Worksheet For Class 8

Underline the noun clauses in the following sentences. You can learn more about noun clauses here. Note that noun clauses are introduced by the conjunctions that, if or whether. They can also be introduced...