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Relative Adverbs

The question words where, when and why can also serve as relative adverbs. Relative adverbs connect clauses just like relative pronouns. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate relative adverb. The restaurant ……………………… we...

Reflexive Pronouns

When words like myself, himself, ourself and yourself are used for emphasis, they are called emphatic pronouns. It is possible to remove an emphatic pronoun from the sentence without causing any ungrammaticality. Compare the...

Common Errors in the Use of Pronouns

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the pronoun or the verb. One should not blame others for ……………………. failure. (their / ones / one’s) We should not go back on …………………………...


Pronouns are words used to avoid the repetition of words. They make your writing more interesting. Compare the two sentences given below. Rahul invited Rahul’s friends to Rahul’s party. Rahul’s friends all came. Rahul...

Progressive Infinitive

The ordinary infinitive is the simplest form of the verb. Examples are: (to) work, (to) know, (to) earn, (to) break, (to) write. Note that that to is not really a part of the infinitive. In fact, infinitives can be...