Prepositions worksheet for class 10 CBSE

Complete the following sentences using appropriate prepositions.

Passage 1

………1……….. its inception ……2………. the early 1970s, the internet has grown …….3……… popularity, and nowadays many …….4…….. its users take it …….5……. granted. ………6…………. the late 1990s when the dot-com boom turned sour, many people wrote ……….7………. the internet as just another fad. However, the consumer demand ……..8……… internet connections continues to grow.


Since (1) its inception in (2) the early 1970s, the internet has grown in (3) popularity, and nowadays many of (4) its users take it for (5) granted. In (6) the late 1990s when the dot-com boom turned sour, many people wrote off (7) the internet as just another fad. However, the consumer demand for (8) internet connections continues to grow.

Passage 2

Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

A web log or blog …….1……… short, is basically a journal that is published ………2……….. the web. Blogging exploded ……..3…….. popularity ………4……… 2003 when more than 1000 blogs were being created every day. The number ……5……. blogs has increased dramatically ……..6…….. the last few years, and there are now several millions …….7……… blogs …….8……. the internet. People from all walks ……..9………. life write and comment ……10….. blogs.


A web log or blog for (1) short, is basically a journal that is published on (2) the web. Blogging exploded in (3) popularity in (4) 2003 when more than 1000 blogs were being created every day. The number of (5) blogs has increased dramatically over (6) the last few years, and there are now several millions of (7) blogs on (8) the internet. People from all walks of (9) life write and comment on (10) blogs.

Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I am Manjusha. This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets.

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