Pronouns Worksheet for Class 5

We use pronouns to avoid the repetition of nouns.

Read the paragraph given below.

Mini is an intelligent girl. Mini’s parents are doctors. Mini’s parents want Mini to be a doctor when Mini grows up. Mini does not like the idea because Mini wants to be a writer. How will Mini convince Mini’s parents that in order to be successful in life one does not have to be a doctor?

As you can see the nouns Mini and Mini’s parents are repeated several times in the above paragraph. Repetition makes your writing dull. One way of avoiding repetition is to use personal pronouns.

Personal pronouns

English has three types of personal pronouns.

First person pronouns: I and me (singular); we and us (plural)

First person pronouns refer to the person speaking.

Second person pronoun: you

Second person pronouns refer to the person spoken to. The singular and plural forms of ‘you’ are the same.

Third person pronouns: he, him, she, her, it (singular); they, them (plural)

The third person pronouns refer to the people or things spoken of.

Rewrite the paragraph given above by replacing the nouns with suitable pronouns.

Mini is an intelligent girl. Her parents are doctors. They want her to be a doctor when she grows up. She does not like the idea because she wants to be a writer. How will she convince her parents that in order to be successful in life one does not have to be a doctor?

Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I am Manjusha. This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets.

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