Strategies for TOEFL Speaking Independent Task

The first task in the Speaking Section of TOEFL is independent. That means you have to speak about a familiar subject without reading or listening to anything. You could be asked to describe a place, an object or a person that is important to you. Or you could be asked to describe the qualities of a good parent/spouse/friend etc.

You will get 15-30 seconds to organize your ideas and 45 – 60 seconds to say your answer. While preparing for the exam, practice describing as many types of persons, places, events, activities, things etc.

Here are some possibilities.

You could be asked to describe a close relative, friend, teacher, coach, mentor, neighbor, colleague or boss. Or you could be asked to describe a place such as a hotel, a park, a beach, a hill, a city or a house. You may also be asked to talk about a skill, a hobby, an ability, a preference, a custom or a sport. These are just some of the possibilities and it is perfectly possible that you could be asked to describe something that is not in this list.

Use concrete imagery while describing people, places or events. For example, if you are asked to describe a person, don’t focus only on the looks. This is a common mistake. Physical appearance is rarely the most important aspect of a person unless, of course, you are asked to describe the most beautiful person you have ever met. While it is all right to say something about how a person looks, it is equally, if not more, important to describe their qualities. And while describing their qualities, don’t just say that they are caring, kind or compassionate. Mention one or two incidents where they demonstrated that quality. For example, if you claim that your friend or neighbor is caring, talk about an occasion where they demonstrated that particular quality. By adding detail to your answer, you can increase your mark.

See also

Tips for integrated tasks of TOEFL Speaking

Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I am Manjusha. This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets.

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