Tagged: adjectives

Adjectives Worksheet For Class 5

Underline the adjective in the following sentences. Adjectives are describing words. They tell us more about nouns. 1. She was a clever, young woman. 2. The intelligent girl solved the puzzle in no time....

Predicative Position Of Adjectives

Adjectives can be placed after be (is, am, are, was, were) and other copular verbs like look, seem, appear, feel etc. In this case, the adjective describes the subject of the sentence. She is beautiful. Our house is small. This car is new, isn’t...

Adjectives That Can Be Followed By Infinitives

Some adjectives are followed by infinitives whereas some are followed by ing forms. Some adjectives can be followed by either an infinitive or an ing form. Fill in the blanks with an infinitive or...

How To Know Whether A Word Is An Adjective

Adjectives are describing words. Here are a few tips to identify adjectives. An adjective can exist in three forms: the positive, the comparative and the superlative. The word is probably an adjective, if you can add –er or –est to it. Or,...

Distributive Adjectives

There are four distributive adjectives in English: each, every, either and neither. Distributive adjectives are used with singular nouns and singular verbs. Each candidate was interviewed by the HR manager. (NOT Each candidates were interviewed by the …) Each hand has five fingers....

Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns direct attention to a specific person, place, or thing. There are only four demonstrative pronouns: this, that, these and those. This is better than that. Put those down – they are dirty. Hello. This is Alice. Is that Ruth? Who is that? We use this/these to talk...

Demonstrative Adjectives Worksheet

Demonstrative adjectives point out which person or thing we are talking about. There are mainly four of them – this, that, these and those. Use this and that with singular nouns. Use these and...

Degrees Of Comparison

English adjectives and adverbs commonly distinguish three degrees: the positive (the basic form), the comparative (expressing a higher degree than is present in something else) and the superlative (expressing a maximal degree). Comparative and superlative adjectives: formation The comparative is formed with –er or more; the superlative is...