Tagged: adjectives

Adjectives | Attributive Position

When adjectives go before nouns, they are used attributively. When they go after be (is, am, are, was, were) and other copular verbs, they are used predicatively. Some adjectives can only be used attributively....

Adjectives Used Without Nouns

Adjectives are not normally used without nouns. He is a clever boy (NOT He is a clever.) She is a beautiful girl. (NOT She is a beautiful.) There are, however, some exceptions. The + adjective is often used to talk about certain...

Order Of Adjectives

When several adjectives come before a noun, they usually have to be put in a particular order. The rules for adjective order are very complicated, and different grammars disagree about the details. Here are some of...

Adjectives Of Quantity

Adjectives of quantity answer the question ‘how much?’. Examples are: some, any, little, much, enough, sufficient, insufficient, all, whole, great etc. Examples are: We need to buy some coffee. I have little faith in the system. She didn’t each much breakfast. We haven’t got enough...

Kinds Of Adjectives

Adjectives are describing words. They tell us about the colour, size, shape, nature, quality or condition of a noun. Examples are: blue, green, round, square, good, old, tall, brave, beautiful, tired, happy, exhausted etc. An adjective usually...

Common Mistakes In The Use Of Adjectives

In this lesson we will take a look at some of the most common errors in the use of adjectives. Incorrect: These all mangoes are rotten. Correct: All these mangoes are rotten. Correct: All of these mangoes are rotten. Articles (a/an, the), possessives (my,...

What Are Adjectives?

Adjectives are words like kind, clever, pretty and old. They describe nouns. Adjectives usually go before the nouns modified by them. She is a pretty girl. (Here the adjective pretty goes before the noun...

15 Grammar Terms You Should Know

1. Adjective An adjective is a word that describes a noun. For example, in ‘She is a beautiful girl’, the adjective beautiful describes the noun girl. 2. Adverb An adverb is a word used to say something about...