Tagged: prepositions worksheet

Prepositions Exercise

English language comprehension | prepositions Six prepositions are missing from the given text. From the options select the cluster of prepositions which are in the order of blanks as they appear in the text....

Prepositions Worksheet for Class 10 CBSE

There are many adjective + preposition combinations in English. For example, the word nice is usually followed by the preposition to. This grammar exercise checks your understanding of such adjective + preposition combinations. Class 10...

CBSE Class 10 Prepositions Worksheet

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate preposition. This grammar worksheet tests your ability to use prepositions correctly. Class 10 CBSE Prepositions Worksheet From the given options, choose the option that will complete the sentence...

Prepositions worksheet for class 10

Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. Alfred Tennyson was a true representative …………1……… the Victorian Age. He was one of the three most famous people ……………2…………. his time when he lived. Tennyson did...

Prepositions worksheet for class 10 CBSE

Complete the following sentences using appropriate prepositions. 1. Vegetarians abstain …………………….. eating meat. (from / with) 2. Good nutrition is absolutely essential …………………….. our health. (for / to / with) 3. The jury absolved...