Tagged: pronouns

Pronouns Exercise For Class 3

Pronouns are words used to avoid the repetition of nouns. There are seven personal pronouns in English. They are: he, she, they, we, you, I and it. Study the examples given below. Susmita is...

Common Errors in the Use of Pronouns

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the pronoun or the verb. One should not blame others for ……………………. failure. (their / ones / one’s) We should not go back on …………………………...


Pronouns are words used to avoid the repetition of words. They make your writing more interesting. Compare the two sentences given below. Rahul invited Rahul’s friends to Rahul’s party. Rahul’s friends all came. Rahul...

Distributive Pronouns

Distributive pronouns refer to people or things taken one at a time. Examples are: each, either and neither. Since they refer to a single person or thing at a time, distributive pronouns are always singular and are followed by singular...

Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns direct attention to a specific person, place, or thing. There are only four demonstrative pronouns: this, that, these and those. When these words stand alone, they are pronouns. When they are used before an adjective, they...


The part of speech which includes words like it, you, they, he, somebody, anything and who. A pronoun is usually a single word, and it forms a complete noun phrase all by itself. Pronouns...

First Person Pronouns

The person category which denotes the speaker and possibly also some people associated with the speaker. The English first person pronouns are I/me (singular) and we/us (plural). The singular pronoun I/me always means ‘the...