Tagged: too

Enough vs. Too

Enough to shows sufficiency and has a positive meaning. Too shows undesirable extremes. It has a negative meaning. Fill in the blanks with enough or too. I ate ………………… much food. (too / enough) I...

Very vs. Too

Very means ‘to a great degree’. It is used with an adjective or another adverb in the positive degree. He is very nice. He is a very nice boy. He did it very nicely. It is very cold. She is very...

Too vs. To

Too Too means more than is good or desirable. It is too hot to go out now. The hat is too large for me. You smoke too much. Too can mean ‘also’. It is generally used at the end of a sentence....

Also vs. As Well vs. Too | Class 10 English Grammar

Also means ‘besides’, ‘as well’, ‘too’ and similar ideas. It normally goes in mid position with the verb. It is placed after auxiliary verbs and before other verbs. The word also is used for...