What Are Gerunds?

Study the following sentence:

  • Writing is her pastime.

Here writing is an example of a gerund. It is an ing form. It is also the subject of the verb is. A gerund can act as the subject or object of the verb. It can also act as a subject complement or the object of a preposition.

Gerund vs. Present Participle

Gerunds and present participles have the same form. They are both ing forms. However, their grammatical properties are different. Present participles can act as adjectives. In this case, they go before nouns. Present participles also help form continuous tense forms.

In the following sentences, say whether the ing form is a gerund or a present participle.

  1. She is grooming her cat.
  2. They are leaving in the afternoon.
  3. The wound should be washed in running water.
  4. I prefer walking to cycling.
  5. She insisted on my joining her.
  6. Trespassing is a criminal offence.
  7. She enjoys spending time with children.
  8. Barking dogs seldom bite.
  9. He is habituated to telling lies.
  10. Our primary objective is increasing our profits.
  11. His mistake was trusting the wrong people.
  12. Boring teachers produce bored students.


  1. grooming (present participle; it helps form the continuous verb form is grooming)
  2. leaving (present participle)
  3. running (present participle; it modifies the noun water and acts as an adjective)
  4. walking, cycling (gerunds; they serve as the object of the verb prefer)
  5. joining (gerund; it is the object of the preposition on)
  6. trespassing (gerund; it is the subject of the verb)
  7. spending (gerund; it is the object of the verb enjoys)
  8. barking (present participle; it acts as an adjective modifying the noun dogs)
  9. telling (gerund; object of the preposition to)
  10. increasing (present participle
  11. trusting (gerund; complement of the verb was)
  12. boring (present participle

Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I am Manjusha. This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets.

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